Someone once said they wished they could bottle us. So we did.
To make ourselves accessible to more people, we’ve created a prepaid strategic advisory product so you can reach for us when you need us.
Who’s it for?
Founders, Brand Leaders, Executive Leadership, and Agency Leaders looking to elevate their brand or business through high impact strategic advisory or fractional CMO services.

Here’s the Sketch:
Order your bottle of Sunny* Secret Sauce.
We’ll have a 30 minute kick off chat to discuss your business and identify key focus areas for where you need our help.
Your bottle of Sunny* Secret Sauce then gives you access to 1 day of Sunny’s strategic expertise to use it how and when you need it.
You have 3 months to use it before it expires - it’s yours to use, which means it’s yours to lose.
What’s included:
We'll act as a strategic advisor to your business and work with you to develop actionable strategies and plans to achieve them. This means all the meetings, coffees, attending workshops, reviewing documentation, network connections and brain picking you can muster in the time.
What’s not:
Any other requirements, such as the preparation and creation of any formal documentation, workshop facilitation or ideation. These will be quoted separately.
If you need more info, contact us at hello@sunny-futures.com and we can answer your questions or set up a quick chat to discuss your needs.
This product is allergic to: time wasting, procrastination, politics, red tape, mediocrity, indecision and anyone that doesn’t believe that they have the ability to make the world a better place.